Prep for Success: 9 Practical networking tips for introvert women entrepreneurs

When it comes to business, networking is very important. Be it online or offline, you need to connect and build connections with people in order to get the word out about yourself and your brand. This is especially crucial for women entrepreneurs, as networking can help you to expand your visibility and reach. This is, however, not so easy if you are an introvert.

Do you feel extroverts are better when it comes to building connections as they are more outgoing? Well, they are outgoing for sure, but there is nothing that shows extroverts are better than introverts when it comes networking.

You might be at times feel being an introvert is holding you back as you feel bothered with things like – socializing, holding conversations with strangers, being around lots of people, etc. But remember – Networking is not an innate talent, it is a skill. And this skill can be learnt by anyone.

Well, if an introvert like Mark Zuckerberg can go on to create one of the largest social networking platforms, you can surely try some tricks to make networking happen for yourself as well. If you find this inspiring, then here are some more successful introverts you can look up to – Meryl Streep, Emma Watson, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and so many more. So as we said, art of networking is not something anyone is born with, it can be learnt or can be adopted and adapted.

Why we are stressing on this again and again is because in this day and age, visibility is very important for businesses. And, one of the biggest challenges that women-led businesses face is Visibility! This lack of visibility prevents them from being discovered, get more orders/clients, and grow further. This is where networking can help you in many ways.

Networking Tips for Introvert Women Entrepreneurs - sipping thoughts 1

If you are a woman entrepreneur who finds networking and socializing daunting and small talk scares you, then here’s something for you. We have some simple, small networking tips for introverts that you can try out.

#1. Start simply by showing up

There is a line that I read from researcher and author, Brene Brown – “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” Whether you decide to mingle with others or stand in a corner – start with the simplest step of showing up for different networking events.

Just by attending different events, you can learn a lot. You can observe how others are networking around you. You can have people who might end up approaching you, if you do not feel comfortable approaching others. But just having a presence, being seen, can help a lot when it comes to building a presence.

#2. Set out with small meet-ups

Do not psych yourself out by setting any big targets. Start small. Look for more one-on-one interactions or smaller groups. This is something that can truly help an introvert woman entrepreneur find her footing.

Attending a smaller event or being a part of a smaller group can provide you more intimate setting for building meaningful connections, without getting overwhelmed. Start small and gradually develop your networking skills. Such smaller networking meet-ups are a great way to also find mentors or fellow entrepreneurs in your area of business.

#3. Set a goal so that you can focus on

Set small, manageable goals to make the best out of a networking event. What is it that you are looking for from the networking event – you wish to spread word about your business, you are looking for collaborations or mentors, or you are seeing industry insights to help you grow? So analyze what is it that you want, whether research or connections and stick to it.

Apart from this also set out some goals like – what kind of people you want to meet, how many people you would like to connect with, and what you want to share or talk about. All these will help you stay focused when you are out socializing.

#4. Use technology to your advantage 

In this age of technology, most networking events or groups will have a digital presence in some way or another. Most networking events have information shared on their social media, while some platforms also make groups on WhatsApp where they add participants attending that particular event. You can use this to do some research to know about other attendees, speakers and guests.

This way you can know about the key people you would like to connect with or who can help you in your goals in advance. And on the day of the event, just concentrate on building connections with those people first.

#5. Make “use” of people you are comfortable with

We all already have our own small or big “networks” whether you are introvert or shy or extrovert. We are talking about your family, friends, your colleagues, your school or college batch-mates, etc. If approaching strangers overwhelms you, then start by using these group of people to network with. With your peers and friends you would have a sense of familiarity, and this would help you in expressing yourself and your ideas. Think of it as both – networking as well as practicing your socializing skills! Your friends and peers can also introduce you to more people that might be able to help you and your business, be it through connections or referrals or introductions.

#6. Take along a “comfort blanket”

If the idea of attending an event all by yourself is holding you back from being a part, then simple solution is there – don’t go alone. Take your trusted friend or someone who you are comfortable with and who understands you and your idea. Think of them as a “comfort blanket” you are carrying along. They can give you a sense of support and security. What’s more? If this person accompanying you is an “extrovert” it might further help you while you are networking. As you concentrate on talking about yourself and your goals, you can led your friend lead the way around small talks.

#7. Get your prep work done

You have set your goals, done your research, so before attending the event or meeting someone – do some prep work in advance. Networking is mostly about that one short introduction about yourself or your business, once you nail that, things can go a lot smoother. So, prepare for an effective elevator pitch, and practice it in front of family and friends.

Also, prepare a list of talking points in advance that can help you start and keep the conversation going with strangers. Some basic questions can be like – what brought you here? How did you start your journey? What is it that motivates you? What has been your biggest challenge and how you handled it?

#8. At the event – arrive early & be attentive

Arrive slightly early to the event, when the crowd is small. You will find it less intimidating. This also gives you more time to warm up to people and the environment. Bring your curiosity and your listening skills, along with you while networking. Be curious to find out more about others as well. Be present during the conversation and listen attentively.

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#9. Remember to remind them about you

You are not going to the event to just collect business cards, goal is to build meaningful connections. No matter how many people you have interacted with, make sure to send them connection requests and follow-up messages after the event. If not much, use it to remind them of your interaction and thank them for their time. You can also send a re-connect invite to some key people.

You can do something as simple as prepare a small note where you can tell them how wonderful it was to meet them and learning about what they do, and you look forward to connecting with them again. Send this note out to everyone on your way back from the event or the following day. The goal here is – stay in touch with them!

So, with the right network, you can yield the right results for the future. This is especially much-needed for women entrepreneurs who struggle with visibility and mentoring opportunities as it is. So, think of this as an investment you have to make for your business and use these simple tips to get over the challenges of networking as an introvert.

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