Expert Take: 5 Health tests you must get done before joining a gym

We’ve all heard the same old phrase – health is wealth. We all know being fit and healthy is the most lucrative investment you can make for and in yourself. That’s why most of us try to include an early morning gym session or a late evening yoga wind down to better ourselves. But with the kind of haphazard and fast-paced lifestyle we are living these days, sometimes this can turn out to be more destructive than productive.

We all have seen news reports where people experience fatal conditions due to over exhaustion in the gym. And it isn’t only when performing high-energy workouts either. This is happening not just in the world of the common man, but even in the celebrity world with the tragic passing of Siddhaanth Surryavanshi, Abir Goswami, Raju Shrivastav, Puneet Rajkumar, to name a few.

However, there is no need to be alarmed, or use this as an excuse to stop working out. Any kind of harm can be prevented if we know and understand our bodies a little better, right? So, to help you make sure your workout is truly healthy, Dr. Archana Batra, Nutrition and diet expert, brings you a list of five health tests you should get done before joining the gym.

1. Blood Pressure Test

High blood pressure (hypertension) and low blood pressure (hypotension) are one of the main causes of strain on your arteries and heart during exercise. High blood pressure puts extra strain on your heart to pump blood to your entire body in high-stress situations like cardiovascular workouts, strength training, and even moderate-intensity exercise. While low blood pressure causes your organs to not receive enough oxygen and nutrients needed to perform their basic functions.

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Why you shouldn’t ignore: High blood pressure, often being symptomless, can lead to worsening of unknown existing conditions, and may even lead to emergency situations like heart attacks or strokes. Low blood pressure on the other hand can cause dizziness, fainting, and weakness, putting you at risk during weightlifting or high intensity exercises.

2. Lipid Profile

Meant to measure your levels of cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, and very-low-density lipoprotein) and fats (triglycerides), this test is meant to help assess the risk of heart disease. A high LDL (often dubbed “bad cholesterol”), combined with a sedentary lifestyle, can build up in the arteries, leading to blockages that restrict blood flow.

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Why you shouldn’t ignore: Engaging in vigorous exercise without addressing lipid levels could increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, like heart attacks or strokes. These high-level exercises raise your heart rate and blood pleasure, and paired with unhealthy cholesterol levels can be very detrimental to your health.

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3. Iron Levels (Complete Blood Count – CBC)

Iron is a key component of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen in the blood. Low iron levels (anemia) affect oxygen delivery to muscles during workouts, consequently impacting your ability to train effectively.

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Why you shouldn’t ignore: Low iron levels in your body cause fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, and weak muscles. Without proper levels of iron, even muscle recovery is slower, and your overall energy is diminished, leading to poor endurance and performance. Starting intense workouts without knowing your iron status can worsen, or even prevent progress, making the experience exhausting and even discouraging.

4. Vitamin D Levels

When getting health tests, it is best to do a complete Vitamin and Mineral profiling done. But if not all, then this one is definitely crucial. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium, which strengthens bones. It’s also essential for muscle function, immunity, and overall vitality, affecting important organs like your brain. A deficiency may not be noticeable initially, but prolonged stress on weakened bones can lead to bone softening and fractures.

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Why you shouldn’t ignore: Muscle weakness may lead to improper form during exercise, thus increasing the risk of joint issues and injury, especially in weight-bearing exercises.

5. Thyroid Profile

One of the most crucial health tests, especially for women. The thyroid gland controls your body’s metabolism, including regulating your energy levels, heart rate, and how effectively you burn calories. Your thyroid even regulates your body temperature, the response of your body to other hormones and maintains a balance of your iodine levels, making it one of the most key players in your health.

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Why you shouldn’t ignore: Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) can cause a fast heart rate, anxiety, and muscle weakness. On the other hand, Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) leads to sluggishness, weight gain, and reduced stamina in your body. So, managing your thyroid before beginning an exercise regimen ensures that your metabolism and energy levels support whatever physical activity you are planning to put your body through.

A combination of these health tests provides insight into your current health status and helps avoid pushing your body too far. After all, one must make sure that any kind of deficiencies or imbalances are met with proper care to ensure an effective gym session that only gives, never takes.

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Meet our Expert Author: Dr. Archana Batra has over 15 years of expertise in nutrition and diet counselling. Having worked with reputed hospitals like Medanta in Gurgaon and Sitaram Bhartiya Institute of Science and Research in Delhi, she believe in healthy eating practices to lose weight and also in prevention of lifestyle related disorders. She is the founder of Archana Batra’s Diet Clinic.

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