5 Fierce Female Characters from Fantasy Novels written by Women Authors that you will fall in love with

Once upon a time there lived a girl who loved fairy tales. Ruthless dragons, exquisite dresses, and magical things; all were her playground. But as years passed by, she had to hide this part of her, the fear of seeming childish, or immature for believing in magic taking over. Well, she’s about to have the time of her life!

We are told not to judge a book by its cover, but we certainly don’t hold back on judging a reader by their choice of the books (or genre). Fantasy is the genre that is possibly the most looked down upon when we talk of “serious readers”; claimed to be lacking any substance, or thought of as just a means of “escape” from the real world.

But the readers of the genre are well-acquainted with the way a fantasy novel can fill the void of being understood, bring a sense of belonging in a world that is set so far apart from ours, and even make you want to be a better person when witnessing the fall and rise of our beloved characters.

As someone who often gets judged for her love for Fantasy Literature around those who think of themselves to be “well-read,” I often want to tell them how much they have mis-understood the genre. Here too you will find themes of empowerment and social justice being explored, especially when it comes to the female characters in these stories. Many strong and fierce queens, the warriors, and the witches, all reside between the pages of these books.

So, let me tell you about you 5 fierce women characters from Fantasy Novels that have been written by women authors and that you must read. (May contain spoilers!)

1. Aelin Galathynius: The Fire-Breathing B*t*h Queen (“Throne of Glass” by Sarah J. Maas)

“There are no gods left to save you now, Aelin Galathynius.”
“I am a god.”

You know, how in books sometimes things start going wrong in all the ways they can, enough for you to start worrying about the people involved? Yeah, that is Aelin’s comfort zone. Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, dubbed “fondly” by her enemies as “The Fire-Breathing B*tch Queen” for unending well of fire magic, is possibly one of the most inspiring and fierce female characters in fantasy novels ever written.

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Image Courtesy: gracerstudios (via pinterest)

Set in a world of faeries, demons, and the fight for a better tomorrow, Aelin is a trained killer in the kingdom of her enemies. Becoming the most skilled assassin before the age of 16 as a means of survival was not ideal, yes and losing her kingdom, her family, and her birthright to queendom when she was young was traumatic initially, sure, but nothing will stop her getting it all back.

It is such a pleasure whenever she comes on the page; her sass and her self-confidence with skill to match. Her inclination towards the luxuries of beautiful dress or expensive bath soaps, and her well thought out, dramatic and gruesome revenge plans, will all leave you grinning with satisfaction. Follow her story that begins with her being trapped as a slave in a salt mine and ends with her ultimate and glorious rise to power, unleashing herself on anyone in her way.

2. Jude Duarte: The Kingmaker (“Folk of the Air” by Holly Black)

“If I cannot be better than them, I will become so much worse.”

The world is hard enough when it’s just humans we have to face every day, but if we had to go toe-to-toe with ethereal looking beings with magical powers and cruel intentions, “hard” seems an understatement. But not for Jude Duarte. This is truly one of the most fierce characters from any fantasy novels I’ve ever read.

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Image Courtesy: frostbite.studios

One of the only two humans, second being her twin sister, brought into the world of the mythical by a stranger, Jude is left with very little safety and a whole lot of anger. After an entire childhood of living in fear, knowing as a human she could never match the beauty and strength of the Folk, she decides that she will secure a future for herself, whatever it takes. Jude is determined to be a knight in the army of the High King. But when the coronation revelries turn into a massacre, she decides to manipulate the youngest prince into being the king that she can basically control like a puppeteer.

Jude is ambitious to a fault, and fierce enough to be the only one that might rise to the ranks in a world of creatures that have other humans like her as slaves. And if you like planning, there is not a soul more prepared than her. She trains in all weapons, learns the stealthy ways of a spy, and builds a tolerance to poison by, well, poisoning herself a little every night. With Jude Duarte, you cannot lose. Literally!

3. Princess Lia: The First Daughter of Morrighan (“The Remnant Chronicles” by Mary E. Pearson)

“Who was this girl who thumbed her nose at two kingdoms and did as she pleased?”

Bravery and being badass isn’t always about fighting wars and slaying your enemies. At the right moment, the most gentle of powers can turn the tide of any situation. And this is exactly what Princess Lia shows us.

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Image Courtesy: @whimsicalillustration (via Pinterest)

Following her dream, even if it shatters the expectations of a kingdom, Lia runs away on the day of a marriage that she was being forced into. She leaves her life of luxury to become a barmaid where she would finally have the freedom to be who she wants, live the way she wants, and love who she wants.

Lia’s strength lies not only in the magical way she has of just knowing things, feeling a shift in the wind, but also as she’s a master of languages. She helps a young boy part ways with his horse, not letting the child bear the pain of it all. She digs the graves of her brother’s battalion alone, while singing the songs of her kingdom in a voice that makes her enemies stop standing at the sidelines and help her with the funerals instead.

Lia is brimming with wit, resilience and a sort of kindness that cannot be taught. Powerful and soft, she is a future queen, a lover, and a woman with dreams all at once, fighting for herself before anyone else at every step of the way. Now that’s a fierce female character for sure you will fall for.

4. Nesta Archeron: Lady Death (“A Court of Thorns and Roses” by Sarah J. Maas)

“Never again would she be weak. Never again would she be at someone else’s mercy.”

Nesta Archeron was written for the women who are their own biggest critics, who drown in their own negative thoughts, and feel they would never be worthy of any kindness. Nesta, turned into an immortal fairy against her will, fights her demons every single day – for a way of life lost, for her own mistakes, and for the fact that she still doesn’t know her place in the world. But slowly she finds her fire.

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Image Courtesy: @gessueter (via Melphs tumblr)

Nesta learns combat, she builds friendships with other women who are just at the edge of their own thoughts, and becomes one of the fiercest characters in the series. She inspires other women to learn self-defence, and learns to live, to forgive, and to love.

With the powers of death and destruction that she stole from the magic that forced her to turn immortal, she becomes invaluable to the armies. Nesta is one of the best fighters in this world; a recognized warrior, the kind that was only an option for men; well, before she took over the title, that is. Now this is one of the fantasy novels you wouldn’t want to miss.

5. Nina Zenik: Heartrender (“Six of Crows Duology” by Leigh Bardugo)

“If men were ashamed when they should be, they’d have no time for anything else.”

One of the, if not the only, fierce plus-sized female characters in the world of fantasy novels, Nina Zenik brings the passion of a thousand suns to the page. She makes you feel fired up; to be comfortable with who you are no matter your body shape, love whoever you want, and fight in battles that might seem doomed but where the cost is worth the cause.

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Image Courtesy: @Flavie5dub

Funny, warm, and confident, Nina’s a girl’s girl all the way. With her passionate romance with waffles (yes, the breakfast food), and her witchy powers that can control your heart, she is one of the six thieves planning a heist in a highly secure prison that hates witches. Oh, and she has to do it with her ex who she actually, sort of, kind of, betrayed. If you’re wondering what her powers can actually do, well she can crush your heart (literally), control your emotions through the release of specific hormones, stop the air in your lungs, and damage your organs… let’s just say she’s very dangerous. But when you read about her you don’t focus on her powers as much as you focus on how exuberant her personality is.

Nina loves herself. Not in a narcissistic “I’m-better-than-you” way, but kind where she knows she’s beautiful. She flirts her way through difficult situations, and doesn’t shy away from eating whatever she wants. Compassionate, fierce, skilled, and empathetic, Nina Zenik is your best friend that will not dare shrink herself for someone else. Everyone can move a little out of her way instead.

At the end of it all, all that matters is how you feel when you read a book. The women in fantasy novels, the ones mentioned in this list and beyond, are a mirror to what you might be capable of. It’s not just the otherworldly powers or the extremely high stakes that makes you remember them. It’s their inner fire, their passion, and a spark of hope that everything they’re fighting for is worth it. If at your lowest moment, female characters like these from fantasy novels can make you want to try again, then that’s the only thing that should matter.

Happy reading!

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