Women Who Shaped History: 7 Brave women who helped in India’s Freedom struggle

The names in the historic era of freedom struggle show that men have dominated every aspect of our social lives. But the history of the Indian freedom struggle is incomplete without mentioning the names of courageous women who have participated in the movement and led us to where we are today. 

While men have played a significant role in the freedom struggle, women too who led from the front and turned up as the game changers in the pursuit of independence. The whole history of the freedom movement is abundant with the saga of courage, sacrifice, and the bravery of the women of our country. These are the women who have forged social change and strengthened their communities. But several women freedom fighters have their stories and courage unsung. 

So, we decided to tell you about the 7 Women who have played a key role in India’s freedom struggle. The stories of courage and contributions of these women freedom fighters towards the Independence movement will definitely leave you inspired.

#1. Sarojini Naidu

women freedom fighters sipping thoughts Sarojini Naidu 2

This eminent personality was also known as the ‘Nightingale of India’. Sarojini Naidu was a poet and a political activist who fought for the freedom of the country. She was the first woman to become the governor of the state and second to become the president of Indian national congress after Anni Besant. 

She played a vital role in the Quit India movement and the civil disobedient struggle against the British crown for which she was arrested many times. Our nightingale legacy lives on, as the modern Indian women continue to fight for a social change.

#2. Aruna Asaf Ali

women freedom fighters sipping thoughts Aruna Asaf Ali

She is popularly known as the “grand old lady” of the freedom movement. Aruna Asaf Ali was the independence activist and best known as “heroine of the Quit India movement” for waving the Indian national congress flag at the Gowalia tank maidan in 1942. She bravely raised the Indian flag in front of the public, a deed of rebellion that unleashed a chain of protest and civil disobedience across the country. 

Aruna Asaf Ali has also participated in the salt satyagraha movement as well as in other protest marches and got arrested by the British authorities. She continued her resistance in jail as she organized political prisoners and protested against the ill-treatment given in the jail by initiating a hunger strike.

#3. Bhikaji Cama 

women freedom fighters sipping thoughts Bhikaiji Cama

Bhikaji Cama was a philanthropist and an eminent personality in the history of the independence movement. She was deported to Europe and was allowed to come back to India only if she did not take part in the freedom movement. But guess what? She continued her efforts for the freedom movement from abroad throughout her life. 

On 22nd August 1907, she unfurled the flag of Indian independence in Stuttgart, Germany while participating in the international socialist conference. She always emphasized the equality between men and women. She gave all her assets to help out an orphanage for girls.

#4. Captain Lakshmi Sahgal

women freedom fighters sipping thoughts Captain Lakshmi Sahgal

Captain Lakshmi Sahgal started her career as a doctor. But after seeing India’s efforts for independence, she dropped this profession and joined the Indian army in 1943 to fight the British empire. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, the founder of INA recognized her caliber and courage and made her the captain of the Rani Jhansi regiment, a women’s military unit.

During the partition riots, she gave medical treatment to Hindu and Muslims alike. Besides, she also founded the All India democratic women’s association (AIDWA) in 1981, which fought for women’s education and employment among other causes.

#5. Kamla Kaul Nehru

women freedom fighters sipping thoughts Kamla Nehru

Most people will recognize Kamla Nehru’s last name as it is related to two other famous personalities. She was married to Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister,  and also was a mother to Indira Gandhi, country’s first female Prime Minister. However, when we talk of women freedom fighters, we cannot skip Kamla Nehru’s individual contribution as well to the cause. She was a dedicated freedom activist in the struggle for India’s independence. 

Being at the forefront of Gandhi’s non-cooperation movement of 1921, she organized a group of women in Allahabad and organized the protest of shops that sold foreign goods. She also walked in the march of salt satyagraha of 1930 and was also the first leader to sell the contraband salt during the salt satyagraha.

#6. Begum Hazrat Mahal

women freedom fighters sipping thoughts Begum Hazrat Mahal

Begum Hazrat Mahal was another queen of the princely state who revolted against the British East India company. After the demise of her husband, she took over the affairs of the state of Awadh. She reclaimed Awadh from the Britishers and even restored the position of her son on the throne. 

Begum Hazrat Mahal made her efforts in making people realize that the Britishers were not sympathetic to the Indian sentiments. She called out how they destroyed the temple and mosques to build roads. Besides, she played a vital role during the revolt of 1857.

#7. Sucheta Kriplani

Sucheta Kriplani was a freedom fighter and a politician. During the partition riots in India, she worked closely with Mahatma Gandhi. She played an important role in Indian politics by joining Indian national congress and became the first woman chief minister of state Uttar Pradesh. 

Sucheta Kriplani also founded the all India Mahila congress in 1940. Another feather of glory was attached to her when she sang “Vande Mataram” in the constituent assembly.

So, these are the heroines of India’s freedom movement that laid the foundation of the nation and spirited their communities. 

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