How AI tools can help women entrepreneurs grow their businesses & best AI tools for you

“AI is a tool. The choice about how it gets deployed is ours.” Recently while I was attending a webinar on AI development and tools, this quote by Oren Etzioni, entrepreneur and CEO at AI2, was shared by the host. AI is just a tool and how we use it is on us. If used the right way, AI can help us a lot in many areas.

This is especially true when it comes to women entrepreneurs, who are just starting their businesses or are homepreneurs. As per a report by Intuit and the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, 44% of women-led businesses are using artificial intelligence for their companies, primarily for content generation and editing. AI can open up various opportunities for them. With the rapid digital transformation, you can see how it helps in innovation and overcoming challenges.

What is AI, after all?

Artificial intelligence is the science of making machines that can think like humans. Unlike humans, it can process large amounts of data in different ways. The various goals of AI are: to recognize patterns, make decisions, and judge like humans.

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Easy and Best AI Tools for entrepreneurs 

There are many AI tools available out there and it can be confusing to understand which ones can be useful for you. You do not need to know about everything. Analyse your needs to know which areas you need most help. Here is a list of the common AI tools for women entrepreneurs. 

ChatGPT – Content is the King, after all. However, it can be a daunting task for you to write an email or a proposal or come out with engaging social media content, if it’s not your forte. That’s where ChatGPT comes in, it is like a personal writing assistant that uses AI to create amazing content. All you have to do is go and give a prompt on ChatGPT and your job is done. So the next time, you are worried about pitching in a new idea to your client, give it a try.

Notion AI – If you are a service provider, and face trouble keeping a tab on your routine tasks and how to organize them. Then Notion AI is there for you. It is a smart productivity tool that uses machine learning to understand your work habits, suggest ways to streamline your work, and help you collaborate with team members in a better manner. For instance, if you are an event planner, perhaps Notion AI can help you handle your clients properly, by creating a daily work schedule.

Canva AI – Visuals add more depth and substance to your product or service. But preparing attention-seeking images and graphics isn’t an easy task. Canva AI that makes high-quality visual content with the help of features like Text-to-Image and Magic Write which uses machine learning to generate images based on themes and keywords. For instance, if you have a boutique and need some unique designs that you can put out on your brochure or your website or social media handles, you can use Canva AI to produce eye-catching designs and patterns.

Tableau AI – This is a smart AI tool that can help you prepare presentations. If you have a small home-run business that sells handmade jewelry and custom art pieces. And if you have trouble with various tasks like inventory management, marketing campaigns, and monitoring sales to name a few, perhaps you can use Tableau AI.

Hootsuite AI  – This one can provide assistance for social media content and scheduling. For example, a home-run boutique can optimize its social media campaigns by using Hootsuite AI, which will help identify posts that customers find engaging and employ strategies for increased sales.

Hubspot AI –  This tool can be used by a home-run business, for creating content for their website. In HubSpot, you can use AI mechanisms to create better pages, blogs, knowledge base articles, and marketing or sales emails to name a few.

Why women entrepreneurs should use AI Tools

It is all about working smart and staying ahead of your competition. Using AI tools, women entrepreneurs can handle routine tasks, improve efficiency, and know about customer behavior and market trends. Here are some ways as to how AI can help home-run businesses.

#1. You get increased efficiency and better results

While running a home-run business, you might come across a large amount of information and data that needs to be analysed. AI tools can help you gather a lot of information quickly and smoothly with minimal research, this can be beneficial for you to do market research, know your customer base and even run competitor analysis.

#2. Helps you save time

No matter what your business is there will be several routine tasks like managing your social media posts, creating content, scheduling your tasks, etc. for which you can use AI. This will not only help you save time, but you can also maintain a healthy work-life balance.

#3. It is cost efficient

AI can help in not just saving time, but money as well for you, this is especially something that small and home-run business need the most.  AI tools can help you save overhead costs when it comes to planning and managing tasks. If you are just starting out and need basic and simple website content, instead of hiring a content writer, you can use content generating AI tools.

#4. Provide enhanced customer experience

AI chatbots can help you come out with better ways to deal with customers, and answer their queries. This can help to reduce the volume of interaction and free you to concentrate on other tasks.

#5. Get that social media visibility

For any and every business now, especially for a home-run women-led business, visibility is most essential. Easiest way to get visibility is through social media. To be on social media you need good content that can increase the visibility of your brand. By using AI, you can generate content for social media, blogs, and email campaigns, which can help you operate better. It can also help you run market analysis on your competitors and see what they are doing.

Thus we see how AI has opened doors for women-led businesses. It has helped women entrepreneurs organize their time, and generate new, innovative ideas which can help them grow and succeed. Therefore, more women need to be involved with AI to help bridge the gender gap and lead to discoveries in the field of technology.

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