What is Stopping You from Leading your Dream Life? Trauma-Informed Coach breaks it down for you

We all have a dream life that we want to live, and we are always working towards that. It can be a house you want to build or vacations you want to go to or a business you want to start or can be anything. But for many, even though we feel we are working hard to turn that dream life into a reality, we are at times, unable to do so.

Do you ever feel like something’s stopping you from living the life you dream about, but you just can’t figure out what? As a life coach who helps people find and overcome hidden obstacles and challenges, I’m here to help you see what might be holding you back.

Having worked with people closely, I have realized here are few things that you might not even realize are stopping you from leading your dream life.

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1. You Put Your Dreams on a Pedestal

If you think of your dreams as something far away or out of reach, it can make them seem impossible. For instance, if you see starting your own business as something you’ll never get to, you might not take the steps needed to make it happen. Try this: close your eyes and picture where your dream is. Is it far off in the distance? This can show you if you think your dream is too far away. By changing your view and breaking your dream into smaller, more manageable steps, helps you embody the dream.

2. You’ve Emotional Gaps Filled with Unresolved Issues

Old emotional baggage or beliefs from the past can create roadblocks between you and your dreams. For example, if you believe you can’t find a perfect partner because society says it’s not realistic, this belief can keep you from finding the partner you want. Even if you think you deserve a great relationship, deep down you might not fully believe it’s possible, which can prevent you from attracting the right person.

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3. Unresolved Childhood Wounds We Don’t See

Issues from your childhood can still affect your life today. For instance, if you were always praised only for being perfect as a kid, you might now fear making mistakes. This fear can stop you from taking risks or going after your dreams because you’re afraid of failing.

For example, imagine a child who was always quiet and praised for being calm and not causing trouble. This child may unconsciously carry this into adulthood, finding it difficult to set boundaries with their team or speak up in meetings. They might avoid conflict or struggle to assert themselves, even when it’s necessary for their success. This happens because the child learned that being quiet and non-disruptive was the best way to gain approval and avoid trouble. As an adult, this ingrained habit can hold them back from voicing their needs or tackling issues head-on, even when it’s crucial for their personal or professional growth. By not addressing these issues, they may miss out on opportunities or fail to advance in their careers, making it harder to achieve their dream life.

4. Our Inherited Family Beliefs

Beliefs or struggles passed down from your family can impact your life now. For example, if your family has always had money troubles, you might unconsciously limit your own financial goals because you think success isn’t possible.

About 60% of the people I speak with say they don’t hold these limiting beliefs, even though they run in the family. 90% of the times, they’re speaking from their conscious, analytical mind, which understands that these beliefs don’t help them. However, their unconscious mind, where fears and doubts reside, can still hold onto these old beliefs.

For instance, even if you consciously believe you can be successful, you might still fear losing money or failing, especially if these issues have affected your family in the past. These subconscious fears can create invisible barriers, making it harder to achieve your dream life.

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Living your dream life isn’t just a fantasy – it’s something you can achieve. Challenges are actually opportunities for growth. If we learned from the start that challenges aren’t full stops but are there to help us grow, we’d approach them differently. Challenges show us where we need to make changes to align with our dreams. Our dreams and not someone else’s dream for us. You can also take help from Life Coaches or Therapists or Experts to work the way through these challenges.

When we work through these challenges with the right support, they become our badges of honor. They show how we’ve overcome difficulties and grown stronger. This resilience inspires others, including future generations, our teams, and anyone who looks up to us.

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Meet our Guest Expert blogger: Nehaa Goyal is a trauma-informed Empowerment Coach specializing in Family System Therapy, who use EFT, somatic release, NLP, and inner child healing to address intergenerational trauma, alongside the unique resolution approach of Family System Therapy. She shares her learnings and advice with others through her Instagram as well.

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